Price generators
Using a price generator is the most direct and simple way to know the real cost of a building project, since it allows obtaining the costs adjusted to the market. For this reason, at ChovA we are present in different databases such as CYPE, Precio Centro Guadalajara and the CIEC Foundation.

ChovA in CYPE, Generator of construction prices in Spain
ChovA has all the products and solutions integrated in the Price Generator of CYPE INGENIEROS, S.A. The Price Generator is a complete computer tool which allows architects and project managers to obtain prices (for new buildings, refurbishment and urban spaces) with cost forecasts adjusted to the maximum to reality, and to facilitate the preparation of quality project documentation (complete, consistent and with technical information linked to each work unit), useful for the different phases of the building’s life cycle (previous studies, preliminary project, basic and execution project, management and execution of the work, use and maintenance, deconstruction and final recycling).
This tool allows the direct import of data from Archimedes, which allows its export in FIEBDC format to other measurement and budgeting programs.
The construction price generator with ChovA products Spain. CYPE Ingenieros, S.A. is available at:

Database on the prices of Construction and Road Works in the Canary Islands.CIEC Foundation.

The Database on Construction Prices in the Canary Islands is the result of a rigorous annual study carried out by the Technical Department of the CIEC on the market for materials available for application in the construction sector in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. This study reflects with great accuracy the economic reality of the costs of products and execution of work units in our archipelago.
The Base of Prices of Road Works in the Canary Islands is the evolution of the work initiated by the CIEC Foundation in collaboration with the Inspection, Supervision and Technical Studies Service of the General Directorate of Road Infrastructures and the Area of Laboratories and Quality of Construction, dependent on the Department of Public Works of the Canary Islands Government.
The databases of the CIEC Foundation are available at
Construction Center Price. Guadalajara Rigger Technical Cabinet.
Construction Price Center is the Construction Database published by the Technical Office of the Official College of Surveyors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Guadalajara and published annually since 1984.
The database “Price of the Construction Center” was created in order to provide its members with a working tool for the elaboration of prices, thanks to the joint work developed by the Governing Board of the years 1981 – 1985.

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