Technical data sheet

Safety Data Sheet


CE Marking

AENOR Certificate

ChovA has developed a range of cold-mix asphalt products for concrete repairs and small patches (potholes, cracks, spalls etc). Have a look at our range of cold mix asphalt coatings.


CHOACEL is a hot-mix asphalt with the particularity of being able to be applied cold without any heavy equipment and without the need of using a bitumen emulsion or sealing the treated surface. The product is designed for repairing and maintaining roads, pavements, trenches and small-scale work. Once applied the product is compact, stable, flexible and durable without loss of quality.


  • Dries quickly. Immediate reopening to traffic.
  • Can be used in extreme weather conditions.
  • Once the product is opened, the remaining product can be stored.
  • Application on damp or wet surfaces.
  • Ecological product: free of contaminants, unique packaging that helps to preserve the environment.

*Consult the new 500 Kg Big Bag format

Downland Technical Data Sheet


ASFALT RAPID is a product that has all the properties of a traditional hot-mix asphalt, with the advantage of being able to be used at ambient temperature and without the need for a heavy equipment. Once applied, the properties are the same as a traditional wearing course. The product is durable, stable and flexible and meet all the requirements for a surface course.


  • Easy repair.
  • Application at ambient temperature.
  • Perfect fit to ground surface.
  • Flexible and long-lasting

Downland Technical Data Sheet


Cold-mix asphalt of pasty consistency made of mineral fillers of suitable granulometry. Field of use: Parking lots, cycle paths, sidewalks, sport grounds, etc.


  • Continuous surface.
  • Abrasion resistance.
  • Non-slip.
  • Cold application.
  • Non-toxic product.

Reference: 84825

Downland Technical Data Sheet

Downland Safety Data Sheet


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