Politaber Garden Combi
Lámina de 1 m x 8 m y 5 kg/m2 de betún modificado con elastómeros, con armadura de fieltro de poliéster no tejido y reforzado, acabado interior plástico y exterior gránulos minerales. El mástico incorpora un aditivo antirraíces. Colocar por adhesión mediante soplete.
Politaber Garden Combi is a waterproofing bituminous sheet with self-protected surface of 5.0 kg/m², LBM-50/G-FP (SBS).
Composed of a with reinforced nonwoven polyester felt armor, covered on both sides with SBS modified bitumen mastic. The mastic incorporates an anti-root additive.
On the upper side of the sheet, mineral protection in green colour is used as protective material. The anti-adhesive material used on the lower side is polyethylene film.
Weight 5 Kg/m²
Roll 8 x 1 m
Pallet 200 m²
According to regulations of the country of use.
Bottom layer in bilayer systems